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10 Signs That You’re a Good Match with Your Date
relationship goal

Given the kind of investment it takes to cultivate a successful relationship, it’s no wonder that matchmaking practices are found in cultures all over the world, including here in Singapore. Even today, locals who are serious about finding a good match may visit one of the modern matchmaking services Singapore singles sign up for.

While it may seem that matchmakers are simply securing dates for eligible singles, the truth is they do far more than that. What modern matchmakers offer is certainty and transparency—something that you may not have access to if you play the field by yourself. Choosing the right matchmaker can keep you from wasting your time, money, and emotional energy on dead-end relationships.


Whether or not you choose to employ a matchmaker, it’s always good to know if you’re likely to hit it off with your date. Below are 10 green flags that show your date might be a good match:

1. You Have Similar Values

Similar views on politics, religion, ethics, marriage, finances, living arrangements, children, pets, and other important topics are a major green flag. Depending on who you are, having the same values may or may not be a deal breaker. However, having the same values usually predicts a lack of friction, which often means a smooth sailing relationship.

While it may arguably be a faux pas to dwell on heavy topics on a first date, if you and your date listen to each other—as you should—your values should become clear to each other. Laughing and reacting similarly to the same things is often a dead giveaway that you share a few things in common.

2. Mutual Physical Attraction

No matter what anyone says, physical attractiveness counts. Unless you’re asexual, most people’s identities are at least partly anchored by who they are physically attracted to.

While you and your date don’t have to be conventionally attractive, it does help if you are attracted to each other in a physical sense. Being mutually physically attracted to each other can help you and your date see past trivial differences, ultimately strengthening the potential of your match.

3. You’re Dating for Similar Reasons

Some people go on dates to play the field while others date to find a stable long-term relationship. Others may have different reasons for dating altogether.

These reasons can sometimes be diametrically opposed to each other, potentially leading to unnecessary conflict and disappointment. If you and your date are going out for the same reasons, you’re already leagues ahead of many other matches out there.

relationship for couples

4. They Respect Your Boundaries

Many of us cannot help but have red lines that shouldn’t be crossed. Even when you have similar values, interests, and goals with your date, that is no guarantee that they will respect you in ways that actually matter. A date that respects your boundaries is probably well worth following up on.

5. You Put Each Other at Ease

It’s normal and probably wise to be somewhat guarded, especially on a first date. That said, a good match will probably make you consider letting your guard down a bit.

If you put each other at ease during your first meeting, that is clearly a good sign and a major green flag. Proceeding with a follow-up date may not be such a bad idea.

6. You Can Communicate Well with Each Other

We’re not necessarily talking about language here, though that does play a part. The ability to understand each other well, even when some things are left unspoken, can take out much of the work out of building a relationship.

If you and your date just immediately pick up on whatever the other is saying, it may be a sign of a good match. Just note that this does not absolve you from having to adjust and communicate properly.

7. They Make You Stop Thinking about Your Exes

Though some comparisons with exes are inevitable, a date who makes you quit thinking about your exes when you’re with them is a definite plus. If you’re able to put your full focus on them instead of an old flame, it means that there must be something good about your match.

8. You’re Not Too Similar

While it certainly helps to be similar to your date, having a few minor differences can keep things from being boring. These differences may also serve as an opportunity for you to grow or see other perspectives.

9. They’re Not Constantly Distracted

If your date is constantly on their phone or not listening to you, then they had better tick off all the boxes on this list. While it’s true that short attention spans are just part and parcel of modern life, the inability to focus on a first date is often a strong indicator of disinterest or disrespect.

On the other hand, a date that is showing their keen interest will not be as likely to be glued to their phone or anything else. If they’re giving you the kind of attention one deserves on a first date, then that’s a very good sign.

10. You Each Hold Your Own in a Conversation

Power dynamics always play a role in every relationship whether it’s professional, familial, or romantic. If one party dominates most conversations, it may be because of a lack of empathy, a dominating personality, or because they’re nervous. In any case, there may be something there that needs to be addressed.

If you got back as much as you gave in your date, it may be a sign that you and your match have favourable power dynamics at play. This may mean that you see each other as equals, which is a definite green flag for matches in the 21st century.

Find Your Match the Easy Way

With enough effort, you can make almost any match work. That said, having a good match right from the beginning is usually the far better way to go.

Singaporeans are nothing if not pragmatic. Matchmakers can help save time, prevent early misunderstandings, and help frame relationships in a transparent manner. For these reasons, matchmaking services in the country will likely endure for many decades to come.

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Learn with Dorra Slimming: Exercising Tips to Get Rid of Stubborn Fat

dorra slimming

Have you been struggling with weight gain? You’re not alone! Weight loss is easier said than done. Losing weight, reducing stubborn fat and toning up are common goals, but many of us have more questions than answers on how to start or adapt our exercise routines to effectively achieve these goals. While drastic lifestyle changes can help, it’s not as simple as eating less and exercising more. In fact, losing fat requires a strategic approach to working out.

Let’s review some exercising tips with dorra Slimming on how we can maximise fat loss and reduce stubborn fat healthily:

Make your workouts count

1. Start incorporating weights

According to dorra’s customer research, many think cardio is the way to go for slimming down. Several customers have rigorously followed a cardio workout routine such as running outdoors or on a treadmill, cycling and swimming but were discouraged when they saw minimal results for all the effort put in. There’s a good reason for this; research has shown that cardio alone is not enough. Instead, combining aerobic exercise with strength training is a more effective way of losing body fat.

With that said, it’s also time to get acquainted with weights. Adding resistance to your workout through strength training can help preserve muscle and increase the lean muscle you have in your body. This will also help ramp up the number of calories your body burns while at rest. Weight training is overall a great way to challenge your body and build that lean muscle for weight loss and a toned physique.

Make your workouts count

2. Make progress in your weight training

It’s great that you’ve started adding weights to your workout. Now what? The next step is to continue pushing your body’s limits by lifting heavier weights. If you’ve found that you can easily sail through your strength training exercises, it’s because your body has adapted to those weights and exercises. To prevent your weight loss from plateauing, you can change up your exercises, weights, repetitions and rest times.

Start increasing the difficulty of your training by using heavier weights. Additionally, you can play around with the weights and reps. Low reps and heavier weights can build muscle strength, while high reps and lower weights bolster your endurance. Your goal here is to build up enough intensity so as to have a challenging workout.

3. Add HIIT to your workout routine

HIIT, or high-intensity interval training is gaining popularity due to its many benefits. HIIT is a type of exercise routine made up of short periods of intense training alternated with recovery periods. It is known to be a time-efficient way to exercise and is great for weight loss because it increases resting metabolic rate, allowing you to burn calories even at rest. Better yet, HIIT is also an effective mood booster.

While there are specialised HIIT workout gear and gyms, HIIT workouts can be performed anytime and anywhere, making it a versatile form of exercise to fight the flab. Keeping in mind that HIIT is designed to maximise athletic performance in short bursts of time, dorra Slimming experts have found that the sweet spot for a HIIT session is between 20-30 minutes.

During these HIIT sessions, it’s important to engage in brief, high-intensity bursts of cardio followed by an equal or longer rest period. An easy-to-do example is 30 seconds to 1 minute of sprinting or running as fast as you can, followed by 1-2 minutes of walking. This cycle is then repeated for another 10 minutes.

4. Be consistent with movement

Being active is more than just spending a specific amount of time at the gym or a fitness class. When you keep moving as much as you can throughout the day, you add to the calories you burn and increase your metabolic rate. Even simple movements like walking, taking the stairs and even standing can add to your fat loss goal.

Increase your daily activity and movement levels with lifestyle swaps: use the stairs instead of the lift, walk short distances instead of driving or taking public transport, or take up active hobbies like joining a cycling group or rock climbing. Many of us are desk-bound due to work these days, but you don’t have to let that deter you from consistent movement. Take a 10-15 minute walk every 2 hours, invest in a standing desk, and if you’re always on a Zoom or phone call, you can have those meetings while standing or walking around.

Slimming down without sweat at dorra

If you’re not a fan of working up all that sweat, we’ve got you covered! You can still effectively say goodbye to stubborn fat with dorra Slimming. dorra’s Intense Fat Burning Slimming Treatment allows you to experience visible cm loss in just 1 session while lying down in comfort — because they do the heavy lifting for you!

dorra Slimming is an established tummy, hip and thigh slimming expert in Singapore since 2011, with award-winning fat-burning formulations and advanced body-shaping technologies. Take a look at their glowing customer reviews and make an appointment to get started with dorra Slimming’s weight and stubborn fat loss solutions today.

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London Weight Management Reviews The Latest Diet Trends

Do The Latest Diet Trends Work? London Weight Management Reviews Them

Having a balanced diet is an essential part of healthy living. However, it can be hard to determine which diets are worth the effort – sifting out those that will benefit you from others or are genuinely harmful to your health can be tricky. In this London Weight Management review, we use our expertise in slimming solutions to go through some of the most recent dieting trends, unpack how effective they are, and help you decide what the best option is for your weight loss journey.

London Weight Management Reviews

1. Long-Term vs Short-Term Weight Loss Solutions

Your body will receive the fuel it needs to function daily from a healthy long-term diet, and regularly following a healthy diet will result in several long-term advantages. On the other hand, a crash diet is the quickest approach to losing weight. It limits calorie intake and promotes rapid weight loss.

Here at London Weight Management, we believe that the best contender for long-term weight loss is the Mediterranean diet. This diet focuses on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, olive oil, and very little red meat. Another alternative to a long-term diet is the MIND diet, also known as the Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. This diet combines foods from the Mediterranean and DASH diets by focusing on 10 food groups that support brain health, including leafy greens, berries, poultry, beans and nuts.

The Atkins diet is a short-term diet solution which limits carbohydrates while emphasising protein and fat. The routine starts with a low-carbohydrate plan where the individual consumes only 20 grams of carbs per day, mostly from vegetables. This then progresses to phase 2, where carb intake increases by 12 to 15 grams per day. Once the individual becomes close to their weight loss goal, they gradually introduce 10 more grams per week in the pre-maintenance phase, or phase 3. The final phase, lifetime maintenance, is where the individual keeps the diet they are on for life.

2. Benefits and Drawbacks of Diet Plans

When you restrict calories or alter your food schedules, you’re more susceptible to losing motivation and falling back into old habits because familiarity can be comforting. Our reviews have led us to conclude that diets do not provide lasting weight loss results. Rather, the best approach is to integrate healthy eating and exercise into the mind and daily routines of the individual.

Studies over a five-year period have shown that those following the long-term Mediterranean eating plan experience slightly more weight loss and a decrease in waist circumference. The use of extra-virgin olive oil in cooking was also a strong indicator of potential weight loss.

In contrast to the Mediterranean diet, the MIND diet is a long-term diet plan that is not hugely restrictive or prescriptive. Adherents can scale up or down how dramatically they choose to follow the food guidelines and philosophy, so it is about balance and nutrition rather than caloric restriction. London Weight Management believes this program is ideal for Singapore residents concerned about their cognitive health, as it contains components from different diets that may help reduce the risks of Alzheimer’s. For these reasons, London Weight Management remains a strong proponent of long-term diets, and our weight loss solutions also synergise with such programs.

The short-term Atkins diet is very formulaic and structured, which may appeal to some people. However, its main drawback is a lenient approach to processed meats, which increases the risk of heart disease. A prolonged crash diet such as Atkins may also result in irregular menstruation, hair loss, weakened immunity and eating disorders.

Why You Will Love The ezSlim™ Treatment

All the weight loss methods we’ve included in the London Weight Management review have their own strengths and weaknesses, but it’s still difficult to find what will work for you. The best way to lose weight is by getting help from professionals in this area to assist you in sustained, healthy weight loss. For those after an efficient and effective weight loss strategy, try the London Weight Management ezSlim treatment. The relaxing and painless procedure allows you to achieve greater fat reduction and slimming with the innovative solutions proudly created in-house at London Weight Management.

Before your treatment, our London Weight Management consultant will perform a consultation to understand your body goals and review the factors behind your weight problem. A complete body analysis will be conducted, including a Body Fat Analysis to determine the customised formulations best suited for your body. If you’ve already been using these tips, you can review them with London Weight Management to identify how to achieve your dream body and weight better. This nuanced and individualised approach means we can instantly tackle your body and weight loss goals without the trial and error of diet meal plans.

Lose Weight Effectively

At the end of the day, crash diets are only a temporary fix to a lifetime goal and should not be implemented in tandem with our products. Our solutions work best when paired with a diligent effort to maintain good exercise and diet practices that are more long-term in nature.

If you’re interested in losing weight scientifically and healthily, visit one of our London Weight Management stores or contact our team through the telephone today.

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Yun Nam Hair Care Reviews: Top 7 Surprising Causes of Hair Loss
hair loss

It is normal to shed 50 to 100 hairs a day, but if you’re losing more than that, it may be time to find out the root cause of the problem. According to the Mayo Clinic, hair loss can be the result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or just part of the ageing process. However, your hair loss problems may be due to surprising causes that many may not know. Here’s a review of the top surprising reasons for hair loss by Yun Nam Hair Care experts.

yun nam hair care

1. Your hair is getting too much sun.

Overexposure to sunlight can be damaging to the hair. Research has found that when subject to prolonged sun exposure, the outer layer of the hair strand, also known as the cuticle, can be damaged by Ultraviolet A (UVA) and Ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. This damage exacerbates the problem and allows rays and heat to penetrate deeper into the hair, causing permanent damage that results in discolouration, dry and brittle strands, broken or split ends, thinning and frizz.

Hair experts at Yun Nam Hair Care, who reviewed many clients with such hair conditions, suggest the importance of protecting and nourishing the hair with products like Yun Nam Hair Care’s Protein Essence, which aims to neutralise the effect of oxidative stress in the hair while repairing and restoring hair cuticles for more manageable hair.

2. It’s genetic.

Your genes play a significant role in the intensity of hair loss as you age. Hereditary hair loss mainly occurs in a predictable pattern commonly referred to as male pattern baldness (MPB) or female pattern baldness (FPB). MPB usually starts with an M-shaped recession on the front of the scalp and occurs as early as in the 20s. On the other hand, FPB often begins with thinning hair at the part line or on the top of the head.

Even though these conditions are typically triggered by genetics, there are still ways to slow down or prevent full-blown baldness. After reviewing many clients for genetic hair loss, Yun Nam Hair Care specialists found that maintaining a nutritious diet and avoiding stress-inducing hairstyles like tight ponytails and braids are the best ways to slow down the hair thinning process.

3. You just gave birth.

It is not uncommon for new moms to notice drastic hair loss a few months after having a baby. Post-natal hair loss is a normal process and not a permanent condition. Yun Nam Hair Care reviews show that post-natal hair loss comes after a significant loss of hormones within a short period. Thankfully, such hair loss is temporary and can be reversed.

A simple way to manage such hair loss problems is to give your hair and scalp a break with gentler hair products and treatments during the affected period. Reducing the use of volumising or conditioning shampoos that weigh down the hair and skipping high-heat styling devices or chemical-based treatments like dying and perming will also help maintain healthier hair during this phase.

4. You’re not getting enough nutrients in your diet.

Maintaining a healthy diet is not only crucial for good health and vitality, but it’s also important for your hair wellness. Insufficient nutrients in the body impair the ability of the cells in your hair follicles to divide and multiply quickly, resulting in weaker hair and scalp health.

It’s also important to watch your protein intake – too little protein in your diet may damage healthy hair and inhibit your body’s ability to build new hair follicles. On the other hand, a lack of nutrients such as vitamin B, zinc, and iron can also disrupt the hair growth cycle and cause hair follicles to go into premature hibernation, followed by excess hair fall. This is why those who adopt an imbalanced diet or drastically reduce their food intake for weight loss purposes often experience excessive hair loss quite suddenly.

5. You’re experiencing hormonal changes.

When going through hormonal changes, such as during the menopausal stage, the lowered production of estrogen and progesterone can cause significant hair growth issues. These hormones are essential for helping the hair grow faster and stronger, so a drop in these hormones can quickly trigger an increase in the production of androgens, which in turn shrink hair follicles to cause hair loss.

The good news is hair loss of this nature is treatable if you’re willing to seek professional help. Yun Nam Hair Care experts who have reviewed numerous female clients going through menopause found Yun Nam’s treatment for menopausal hair loss extremely beneficial. The process uses traditional herbs to regulate hormones and replenish nutrients in hair follicles, naturally promoting hair growth.

6. You’re very stressed.

Stress is the root cause of many emotional and physical problems – hair loss included. High-stress levels can trigger three typical hair loss problems: Telogen Effluvium, which puts large numbers of hair follicles into a resting phase that instigates sudden hair fall; Trichotillomania, an irresistible urge to pull out hair from the scalp; and Alopecia Areata, which is an autoimmune disorder that usually results in unpredictable, patchy hair loss.

Fortunately, stress-induced hair loss is typically temporary and can improve with reduced stress levels. While it’s almost impossible to avoid stressors in our lives, medical care and improved lifestyle choices such as working out, eating right and adopting relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation can help improve stress levels. If that doesn’t help, it’s always advisable to seek the help of a professional like Yun Nam Hair Care for a hair and scalp review.

7. Hair appliances are damaging your hair.

When your hair is regularly straightened and styled with high heat devices, it starts to weaken, increasing the risk of permanent damage. It’s also crucial not to use these heat-inducing tools on wet hair since they can cause a lot of damage by boiling the water in the hair shaft, leaving it brittle and prone to breakage.

If you have no choice but to use heating tools, prepping the hair with a good heat protectant will help fortify strands against overheating. Setting your heat styling tools to a lower setting can also reduce the chance of burning your hair and if possible, limit heat styling to two or three times a week to give your hair enough time to recover between each session.

Want a healthy scalp and shiny tresses? Check out Yun Nam Hair Care, the hair loss specialist that has been receiving glowing reviews from clients since 1984.

Make an appointment today!

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Understanding Our Skin Structure: Why Do We Experience Ageing?
face photo

For most of us, ageing is a fact of life. Our metabolism slows down, our bones pop when we move, our hair goes grey and, unfortunately, our skin begins to change. This often comes in the form of wrinkles, sagging skin, and dryness. To understand why and how this happens, we first need to look at the functions of the skin and how it is affected by internal and environmental factors. Sunlight, food, skincare, and stress can all affect how the skin ages. For some women, this can become a source of anxiety that is realised too late to establish any effective preventative measures.

skin structure

Is there anything you can do as a preventive measure? Victoria Facelift is an effective and modern solution for women who want to feel at home in their own skin again. Positive reviews of Victoria Facelift are testament to the effectiveness of our anti-ageing treatments.

Anxieties About Ageing

Not all women may think about it in philosophical terms, but the impact is real. It’s hard not to feel anxious about wrinkles and sagging when these are visible signs telling you that you will soon be past your prime. This anxiety can be alleviated by using effective skincare products and sunscreen, but for women who started skincare late or want faster results, Victoria Facelift is the perfect choice to reset your skin for that everlasting youthful glow. To understand how this works, we need to first look at the structure of the skin and how that changes over time.

The Function and Structure of The Skin

Your skin is your largest organ. It fulfils many purposes; protecting your organs and muscles from environmental toxins, enabling you to feel pain and pleasure, protecting the body from UV radiation, maintaining moisture, producing vitamin D, regulating temperature, and acting as a barrier against mechanical, thermal and physical injury. In short, your skin does a lot, and as you age, the way you have been treating your skin will start to show.

Think of how you get red and sunburnt after a day at the beach. Over time, as a result of prolonged sun exposure or having no protection against the sun’s aggressive rays, someone may develop sunspots or wrinkles prematurely. In essence, your skin keeps score of where you’ve been and what you’ve done throughout your life.

Getting Under Your Skin

There are three main layers to the skin: the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis. Each of these serves a disparate function that, when working well together, allows your skin to properly fulfill its purpose. Let’s take a closer look at each layer:

The Epidermis

The epidermis is the topmost layer of skin and is made up of layers of keratinocytes that undergo continuous terminal maturation. Put simply, as new keratinocytes are produced, the old ones are pushed to the surface where they die and fall off the skin. If you scratch your skin and see a white mark, this is often the layer of dead keratinocytes resting on the surface.

The epidermis also contains melanocytes which control pigment, Langerhans cells which are vital for immunity, and dendritic cells and Merkel cells which function as sensory mechanoreceptors. All these work hand-in-hand to help the epidermis form an effective barrier against UV radiation, heat and water loss and pathogenic bacteria you come into contact with.

The Dermis

The dermis is the middle layer of skin and the connective tissue between the epidermis and hypodermis. It is larger than the other two and contains many critical structures. Hair follicles, sweat glands and nails are all embedded in this layer. Other structures like blood vessels, nerves, fibroblast cells and mast cells are critical components that are also found in the dermis.

The dermis is composed of two smaller layers: the superficial papillary layer, and the deeper reticular layer. The reticular layer is thicker and made up of fibroblast cells and elastin fibres that ensure the skin is flexible and strong. Fibroblast cells are an important structure that assists in critical collagen production.

The Hypodermis

The hypodermis, or subcutis, is the deepest layer of skin. This is where the body stores fatty adipose tissue and can dramatically vary in size between individuals. This layer aids in insulation and contributes to important thermoregulation. People who ‘run warm’ may find this is due to a thicker hypodermis, amongst other factors.

What Happens to Our Skin As We Age?

As we become older, our skin becomes more translucent, thin, and pale. This is because over time the body naturally stops producing as many new skin cells, even though the number of cell layers remains the same. The appearance of aged skin largely comes from a reduced number of melanocytes, or pigment-containing cells, in the epidermis.

This regeneration slow-down also means that there is less collagen and elastin due to fewer fibroblasts being produced. Since these are essential in giving us a springy and fresh look, limited collagen and elastin will lead to drier skin that is also less supple. This is a process known as elastosis. This is also why the skin begins to wrinkle, droop, and sag.

In old age, women will find that the sebaceous glands in the epidermis produce less oil, which can be hastened by menopause. In men, this effect is less dramatic and often only comes into effect after 80 years. The lack of oil makes it difficult for the skin to maintain moisture levels, resulting in dry and itchy skin. That in turn can cause fine lines and wrinkles to emerge over time.

Another change that occurs is in the hypodermis, which becomes thinner resulting in less plump and smooth skin. Fat from the eyelids will settle into the eye sockets, contributing to a sunken look, and the lower eyelids slacken as the muscles supporting the upper eyelid weaken, making the eyes look droopy.

Slowing Down the Ageing Process

While you cannot stop ageing entirely, there are a few proven measures that can help in slowing down the ageing process, allowing you to maintain youthful-looking skin for a longer time.

The first preventative measure is sunscreen. Studies have found that regular sunscreen use protects us against superficial photoaging including wrinkling, spotting, and loss of elasticity. To take advantage of this, ensure that you apply sunscreen daily.

And how do you choose your sunscreen? Look for one that is broad-spectrum, meaning it protects from UV and UVB radiation. It should also be at least SPF 30+ and is water-resistant. Apply it in the morning before makeup, and remember to reapply it throughout the day when it wears off.

Smoking is another thing to avoid if you wish to maintain your skin’s youthfulness. Tobacco smoke contains many toxic chemicals that may damage your skin cells and cause wrinkles around the eyes, nose, and mouth. Nasolabial folds, that is wrinkles between the bottom of the nose and edge of the mouth, are found to be deeper in smokers compared to non-smokers. Smokers also have lesser elastin and collagen fibres in comparison to non-smokers, leading to a duller complexion and drier skin.

Repair Ageing Skin with Victoria Facelift’s Signature Power-Lift Facial

Given that the skin works as your protective barrier against environmental stressors, when this barrier diminishes, it becomes increasingly difficult to block out any external damage. With more damage impeding the formation of fibroblasts and natural oils, skin ageing becomes inevitable and rapid as well.

Fortunately, not all hope is lost for ageing skin. Victoria Facelift, the anti-wrinkle and facelift expert, has developed the ideal procedure that addresses not only the visible surface issues, but also the underlying causes of skin ageing.

The swathes of positive Victoria Facelift reviews will confirm the dramatic effect of our scientifically backed anti-ageing formulation and application. Made with key ingredients like epidermal growth factor (EGF), hydrolysed collagen, and hibiscus seed extract, it is able to repair the skin from within to provide instant and satisfying results.

The EGF helps repair the epidermis and, alongside other active ingredients, will stimulate collagen and hyaluronic acid production to tighten drooping skin and smooth out wrinkles. These ingredients are delivered into the deepest layers of skin to initiate complete restoration and revitalisation.

Each session of the Victoria Facelift Power-Lift Facial will provide instant results including reductions of fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles and sagging skin to improve general appearance whilst helping the skin maintain an appropriate moisture balance.

If you’re interested in trying out our services, simply schedule an appointment with us through our website. Inclusive of a computerised skin scan and personal consultation with our skincare experts, one session will put you on the right track to achieving strong, youthful-looking skin.

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Paris Baguette To Open New Cafe-Retail Concept at Raffles City

Paris Baguette

As malls welcome shoppers back after a two-year pandemic slowdown, new retail concepts have started making their mark. Paris Baguette, the well-loved fast-casual bakery chain known for quality, delicious and innovative breads and cakes, is taking the lead in Singapore as it opens its first café-retail concept store at Raffles City.

Paris Baguette is a Korean-owned French-themed café with more than 3,800 outlets globally and 11 in Singapore, with this new outlet being the chain’s twelfth and the first that incorporates the teatra retail concept within a café. Nestled at a high traffic spot at Raffles City Shopping Centre’s connection to the main City Hall MRT entrance at level 1, this 2,637 sq. ft. outlet seats 64 and is designed with an outdoorsy garden-like, European theme. Paris Baguette has merged the café-retail concept into a holistic whole. A central teatra gift shop with a brewing bar for customers to create their own tea packages doubles the experiential value of this Paris Baguette outlet and encourages shoppers to drink, dine and shop for exquisite tea gifts and pastries.


teatra – a Tea and Travel Combination of Tea Flavours from Across the Globe

Paris Baguette’s proprietary teatra range will also launch exclusively at Raffles City. teatra’s casual and premium lines boast unique tea selections from around the world with global tea tastes to experience. Dressed up in Red Dot Design Award[1] winning fresh floral tins and boxes, these unique tea blends such as Chocolaty Ceylon and Winter Fruit Bunch or Cuz Mine offer floral and fruity tea blends to suit all the different seasons and tastebuds. The teatra premium package design showcases the work of British illustrator, Fee Greening[2], on easy-to-recycle and collectible tin containers that aims to evoke inspiration by expressing the aroma and taste of each product.

Paris Baguette meal

all-day brunch menu

New and Raffles City Exclusives: Tea-Infused Desserts and Handcrafted Beverages

Paris Baguette will be launching new dessert items, such as teatra tea-infused Earl Grey Royale Pudding and Earl Grey Choco Cake, and handcrafted beverages such as tea-infused milk teas, mocktails and vin-chaud (also known as mulled wine), which will be exclusive to the Raffles City outlet.

Also launching at Raffles City will be an all-day brunch menu that includes a hearty PB Big Breakfast, a true-to-France Croque Madame Sandwich, and a Korean Honey Castella French Toast which will pay tribute to the café’s origins. This all-day brunch menu will first launch in Raffles City and subsequently roll out at selected Paris Baguette outlets.

“We extend our warmest welcome to Paris Baguette’s debut in Raffles City with its first-ever, café-retail flagship outlet that ties in perfectly with our upscale, premium positioning. We are excited to work together with the brand to bring our shoppers exclusive product offerings and a unique and elevated experience, further making Raffles City an integrated retail and lifestyle mall destination of choice for all,” said Mr Steve Ng, General Manager of Raffles City Singapore.

“We are thankful for the support from Raffles City. Our new concept brings a new Paris Baguette bakery café x teatra retail experience that we hope will appeal to Singaporeans. Customers who love our royal pudding, will love our new premium teatra earl grey pudding. We will continue to innovate to develop new tastes and flavours for the region. Singapore is a great launchpad for new concepts and ideas, and if successful, we will be rolling out more of such concepts regionally,” says Hana Lee, CEO, Paris Baguette Southeast Asia.

Opening Promotion Detail (from opening till 31st July):
  • All brunch & cake 20% off with teatra drink purchased (applicable for slice cakes, roll cakes and pound cakes. Not applicable for whole cake)
  • 15% all teatra retail items (not including non-food items such as tumblers, mugs, cups)
  • Free silky roll cake (worth $15.50) with min. spends $50 and above (while stocks last)

The post Paris Baguette To Open New Cafe-Retail Concept at Raffles City appeared first on Hpility SG.

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